Business Consulting & Digital Marketing Company

$1 For Your First 30 Days of Full-Service Marketing + FREE Business Strategy

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“Is your company feeling overwhelmed and out of touch with your customers? As a U.S. Military Veteran we have an entire marketing and consulting team that has a passion for growing yourself, growing your team, or growing your business!!”

Derrick Sisney

Tulsa Digital Marketing Professionals Image Founder Sisney Media

Meet the Founder of Sisney Media

Derrick Sisney is a former U.S. Air Force member and now is the founder of Sisney Media, where he currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer, a leadership instructor, speaker, and strategic business advisor. Derrick spent almost 4 years in the Air Force stationed in Guam; where he was considered, “deployed in place”. Being in Guam Derrick had an opportunity to lead and train U.S. military troops for massive logistical purposes that helped support Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in the middle of the Iraq and Afghanistan War.

In 2010 Derrick left active duty military service. Upon returning to the U.S. he decided to go back to school; where he received an undergraduate degree in Biology in 2012, and an MBA in Marketing in 2016. He founded Sisney Media, a premier marketing and consulting company, where he teaches business owners how to grow their business, implement leadership principles to lead and win, and how to bring a team together that can accomplish the mission.

Derrick brings incredible leadership experience along with business acumen to Sisney Media, as well as a unique insight and expertise in a multitude of various industries, nonprofits, for profits, and educational programs.

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What Does Sisney Media Provide?

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Tulsa Digital Marketing Testimonial

”In a world where there are dozens of strategies to get your message out on social media and the web it has been a Godsend to have the expertise of Sisney Media to help us accomplish this in an effective manner. The quality of the contacts and the exposure to the right audience has resulted in an increase in traffic, engagements and donations. Derrick and his team have great ideas and are helping us reach quality contacts that are genuinely interested in what we do and who we are.”

Kurt Rovenstine
President – B4C

Ask about 30 days of Marketing Deliverables for $1

At Sisney Media, our goal is to earn your business. That’s why we give you the first 30 days of full-service marketing for only $1.

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How Can Sisney Media Help Your Business?

Did you know that growing your business is fairly easy?

Most business owners seem to overthink what they need to do to grow their business. Most do one of two things: they will listen to people who have never owned a business and from individuals who are either not very profitable, or profitable at all – or they will try to figure it out as they go. Either way, this is a dangerous concoction for failure.

According to Entrepreneur: 80% of businesses survive past their first-year mark. After that, two thirds survive their second year. Fifth year? Only half. By their 10-year mark? 30% survive. Marinate on that for a moment. Seventy percent of businesses fail within 10 years! That is 70% OR 7 out of 10.

With Sisney Media we want to work with you and eliminate this statistic for you. Most business owners get into business for the long-term, not less than 10 years.

Our goal is to teach you how you can grow your business efficiently and effectively in a quick way. Now this is not a get rich quick scheme. We WILL NOT guarantee you anything. What we WILL guarantee is that we will do everything in our power to help you accomplish your business goals. It takes work from you and your team as well as our team to reach the goals that are set.

We work with businesses from all different areas. These industries consist of medical offices (dentist, chiropractors, orthopedics) to roofing and fencing companies. We work with all of these types of businesses and everything in between, and even more. We even work with individual people to get them branded and work tirelessly to get them featured.

Many of our clients have been featured on everything from Forbes magazine, Entrepreneur, Inc., Good Morning America, Bloomberg, Fast Company, Yahoo, and so many more!

So, what can you do to grow your business? Well, you want to start by giving us a call and letting us do a FREE 13-point assessment on your business. This gives us an idea on what plan needs to be created to grow your business in the quickest way possible, so you can see an increase in revenue and get your time back.

This 13-point assessment will consist of us asking you some questions and it normally takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes depending on how many questions you may have. But these questions are very important in figuring out what we need to do, consulting and marketing wise, to see business growth.

After all, who doesn’t want more time to spend with family and do the things that you love to do while seeing the revenue continue to increase without you always being in the office or out in the field?

Remember your business should be working for you, not you working for your business. It DOES NOT matter what industry you are in. If you feel like you are doing all the work and cannot seem to figure out the next steps… give Sisney Media a call! We are happy to be of assistance.

We actually grow businesses an average of 104%! Now, tell me another marketing consulting company that can do that?!?

But if you feel that you want to give it a shot by yourself and do not want a professional to look into things… you can follow the steps below.

STEP 1: What are your goals?

DID YOU KNOW: The goal of your business should be to serve you. Not for you to serve your business.

Set a goal or target for your strategy and performance of your business that can improve your gross income or your net profit.

STEP 2: Number of customers to break even & achieve financial freedom.

DID YOU KNOW: Southwest Airlines knows that they need the plane to be 74.4% full just to break even?

You need to know how much money your businesses need to produce to break even.

STEP 3: Number of hours willing to work on the business.

DID YOU KNOW? Thomas Edison worked on 10,000 failed experiments before achieving success on the world’s first light bulb.

You have to make a decision to say “NO” to certain things, so that you can get your business to the next level. Many clients get frustrated because things aren’t happening… but when looking at the schedule we can see that there is no time being applied towards working on the business.

STEP 4: What is your unique value proposition?

DID YOU KNOW? A purple cow will stand out in a group of “normal” cows.

You must have a WOW factor! What is yours?

STEP 5: Improve Branding.

The packaging and print materials matter to your customers. This includes the website, your customer reviews, your signs, even your story!

STEP 6: Create a repeatable marketing system.

DID YOU KNOW: Implementation not ideas, is the key to having REAL success?

You need to have a MINIMUM of three systems that are implemented daily.

At Sisney Media, we will tailor a pathway for you to see results. Depending on the industry, you have to customize marketing to reach your goals.

STEP 7: Sales conversion.

DID YOU KNOW: If you cannot sell, your business will fail?

This statement is not hyperbole, it is fact. Why do most businesses fail? One of the main reasons is because they don’t call their leads back, there are no sales scripts, and they do not even know their daily KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators).

Many marketing firms will say, “we can get you leads.” While getting leads is great. What if you cannot convert those leads? With Sisney Media, we want to help you convert those leads!

STEP 8: Customer acquisition cost.

DID YOU KNOW: Most people don’t wake up with a burning desire to pay you?

You must know how much you are paying in marketing and advertising to see how many sells are generated.

We speak with many clients who just pay a high amount for marketing and in reality, they are losing money. Would you pay $10 in gas every single day to get $3 worth of driving? Absolutely now! So why do business owners run their business with the same mindset?

With Sisney Media, this is even a way to hold us accountable. With no contract, we work for your business every single month and the results should be showing themselves.

STEP 9: Have repeatable systems and processes.

DID YOU KNOW: Michael Gerber says, “systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results.”

It doesn’t matter how different your industry is. We have worked with clients in many different industries. But the goal is for you to build a business and not a job.

With Sisney Media we are able to obsess with you to ensure that you are not just a technician pretending to be an entrepreneur.

STEP 10: Management execution.

DID YOU KNOW: Having a schedule creates a culture of responsibility?

“I ran out of time” – most businesses and team sayings.

We hear this all the time. On the surface it sounds justifiable and virtuous. Society rewards those who say they are too busy and cannot get things accomplished. But your business and your success are too valuable to just lay at the feet of time and accepting this excuse.

With Sisney Media we work towards holding accountability for our team, as well as you. Your success matters to us!

STEP 11: Have a sustainable weekly schedule.

DID YOU KNOW: According to CNBC “those who maintain a calendar and a to-do list are 289 percent more likely to be millionaires, as compared with those who have no real set schedule.”

You must schedule a time to live the life you want! You must block out activities that you want to do. This goes into working on your business and in your business.

STEP 12: Human Resources & Recruitment.

DID YOU KNOW: According to Inc magazine 85% of job applicants lie on their resume.

If you cannot find, hire, inspire, and train good people, nothing will work. A business owner cannot let these types of excuses limit their growth.

STEP 13: Your accounting.

DID YOU KNOW: You must always tell your money where to go.

Most clients that we work with have no clue where their money is going. Sometimes they are behind on their taxes, payroll, or bills. Believe us… this is not a good thing!

You should have a system in place that brings order and you will notice that it will begin to reveal the facts of your business.



Sisney Media takes a unique approach in how we work with our clients. We are not only a marketing company, but a consulting company. There are many other marketing companies, but we are next level! Let us take your business to new heights and goals that are established. You do not have to feel overwhelmed or alone.

For about the cost of a full time receptionists; you will get all of our marketing deliverables and the proven consulting techniques to grow and scale your business.

Doesn’t that sound great? I bet it does! Still need some convincing? Here are 3 reasons you should choose Sisney Media:

You don’t have to worry about marketing. We have the right expertise to take that stress away from you.
We never call in sick. You essentially have your own marketing company delivering the results that matter.
We are VERY cost effective!

How much would it cost to hire someone to do all of your marketing? You don’t have to worry about any:
Multiple salaries for different positions
Any overhead costs

Give us a call today at 918-986-7977 so that we can schedule a FREE business assessment. We look forward to hearing from you!

* Talk to your accountant, but our consulting services are usually tax deductible as well!!